Cairê Barletta

 Bachelor of Science in Economics.

Hello, welcome to my personal blog, my name is Cairê! I live in Florianópolis, a gorgeous island in the south of Brazil.

I love sports such as mountain biking (the one), running, swimming, kayaking, going to the gym and outdoor activities in general, like going to the beach and exploring trails. On the other hand, I also love doing introspective stuff as so hearing music, taking photos, reading books and programming.

After five years (at the 22s, my current age), I’ve finished my Economics B.S. at the Santa Catarina State University. During all my academic life, I conciliated my studies with internships, mainly in the financial markets sector, passing by areas like Macroeconomics Research, Fixed Income Assets Structuring & Pricing, and where I stand now, as a Risk Management Intern at Faria Lima, the brazilian Wallstreet.

My plans englobe writing about personal finance projects I do, macroeconomics topics I enjoy and financial modelling problems I came across along my working journey.

You can check out my CV here.

Some stuff I’ve made